
Purchasing A Show Potential Dog
All show potential puppies purchased from Encore leave with my life long commitment to them and their
new owners as a mentor and supporter. The commitment to purchase a show puppy should not be taken lightly.
The following summary provides a "general" idea of what to expect when you purchase a
show potential puppy from Encore. Please feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.
- Show crop vet must be approved by me.
- Puppy will be raised so as not to stifle his outgoing character.
- Early socialization will already be started and new owners are expected to continue it through all fear periods.
- Training will be geared towards the conformation ring until his championship is attained.
- Puppy will be crate trained so that when he does attend shows he will be accustomed to the "show routine."
- Puppy training and handling can be done by the new owner should they desire, and if they are successsful
I am supportive of their handling and finishing the puppy.
- Should the puppy require a handler to finish his championship, he will be handled throughout his show career
by a handler I approve of.
- Owner will provide photos every 5 to 8 months so Cates, or her designee, can evaluate the puppy to ascertain the optimum time to begin showing.
- Upon reevaluation, by Cates or her designee, if the puppy does not meet the requirements to be a show or breeding dog, the
original purchase price will be refunded down to a pet price after proof of spay/neuter is received.
- Puppy will be shown at optimum time for his development. Occasionally as he matures, as he is winning - more often, until he attains
his championship.
- The owner will pay all fees incurred in the showing process. Handling fees vary depending on where you are located.
- If you do not want to go to the shows yourself, you will be required to make arrangements to
facilitate your dog getting to the shows.
- Every attempt will be made to show the dog when it is convenient for the owner, but the dog may be required
to be gone for short periods of time during its career.
- All show dogs purchased from Encore will be required to pass certain health tests before they are bred.
- All Encore show puppies are American Boxer Club Futurity nominated, and if it is determined by Cates that
they are competitve the hope is they will be shown at the American Boxer Club National Specialty. Cates to have first
right of refusual to handle at the ABC National.
- Purchase prices for show puppies vary and start at $4000., uncropped at 8 weeks of age.
- Please share your long and short term goals with the purchse of an Encore show puppy.
- Please provide two references with contact information.
Additionally please provide general information as requested in the Pet Puppy Questionaire as well any addtional information
including a brief history of your show experiences and short and long term breeding/showing goals.
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