
Purchasing A Pet
All puppies purchased from Encore leave with my life long commitment to them and their
new owners as a mentor and supporter. In order to answer some of the questions regarding the possible purchase
of a pet puppy I have compiled the following information. Please read the
FAQ Document and if your question has not been answered
please direct it to me with your completed questionnaire.
- Puppies are evaluated between 8 amd 9 weeks to determine whether they are pet or show prospects.
- Commercial flying of Boxers is no longer available in the US. Any air travel must be between 8 and 9 weeks of age in cabin or picked up at Encore.
- Puppies are ready for new homes at 9 weeks of age and will be wormed, have had a first puppy shot, and a veterinary health check.
- All pet puppies are sold on a spay/neuter contract on a Limited AKC Registration. For health benefits spay/neuter
is not to be completed until after 2 years of age.
- Owners are required to enroll puppy in a kindergarten class and an intermediate obedience class.
- Pet puppies sold on a breeding contract are required to be spayed after the contract is fulfilled,
unless both parties agree that another litter under the terms for the first litter is desired.
- Puppies are evaluated and matched by me to each family.
- The purchase price for pets is $3500.
If you are interested in a pet puppy, please include the following information in your initial inquiry.
I will keep your inquiry on file, but please do follow the web site and check back for pet puppy availability.
My email address is Showcates@aol.com.
Copy and Paste
Please respond to all questions.
- What specifically are you looking for? Male or female? Brindle or fawn?
- Would you be willing to consider the other sex and color? A white puppy?
- Would you consider an adult dog?
- Do you own or rent your home?
- What type of dwelling?
- Do you have a fenced backyard? Type & height?
- What size is your fenced area available to a dog?
- Do you have a pool? Does the pool have a safety fence?
- Is anyone home during the day?
- How many hours on the average will the puppy be left alone?
- Do you have children? If so, what ages are they?
- Have you owned a boxer before?
- If so, how long did it live?
- What did it die from?
- Have you ever had to give up a dog because of changes in your living situation, allergies, etc.? If so, please explain.
- How will a potential puppy be housed?
- Are your dogs inside or outside dogs?
- Do you have a doggy door, in/out access 24/7?
- How will you insure your dog will get proper exercise?
- What training classes do you plan on completing with your dog?
- Are your dogs allowed the run of the house or are they restricted to certain part of the house?
- Do you have any other dogs now?
- What breed? What sex? What age? Are they fixed?
- What do you expect the activity level of this breed to be?
- What food do you feed or have you fed? Are you open to feeding a raw diet?
- Are you on any other breeder's lists?
- Please provide your name.
- Please provide your physical address.
- Please provide phone number.
- What is your age range? 20 - 30. 30 - 40. 40 - 50. 50 - 60. 60 - 70. Over 70.
- Who is your regular veterinarian? Please provide his name and phone number.
- How did you find Encore Boxers Registered?
Additional Considerations.
- Would you consider making the commitment to showing?
- Would you be open to my showing or having the dog shown?
- Would you be open to my breeding the dog? Would you be willing to breed/have a litter?
Please include any other information that you think would be helpful to inform me about the
type of home that you would provide for a potential puppy. Your responses can be emailed to me at Showcates@aol.com
If you are mainly looking for a pet, but might consider showing and would like more information
regarding what type of commitment is involved, please include that in your email as well. Some basic
information can be accessed through the Purchasing A Show Puppy document.
Show homes are much more in demand, and if you are willing to make the commitment, a puppy may
be available for you sooner.
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